70+ flirty responses to “What are you doing this weekend?”

Are you responding to a question like, What are you doing this weekend? It might include more than simply outlining your goals. It’s a chance to lighten the mood and flirt during the conversation. This post will discuss flirtatious and inventive answers to this frequently asked question, assisting you in straddling the boundary between sincere curiosity and lighthearted humour.

Understanding the Context

What are you doing this weekend? It is a question that frequently has more weight than superficial interest in your schedule. This question may be interpreted as flirtatious, indicating that the asker wants to spend time with you away from formal social situations. When drafting your response, it is essential to comprehend this context. 

Flirty responses to what are you doing this weekend

Playful and Humorous Responses

  1. I was getting ready to rule the world. Do you wish to join my dark empire?
  2.  I’m now honing my dancing skills for our spontaneous weekend celebration. Would you like to dance with me?
  3.  Hatching a covert scheme to conquer the globe, one Netflix marathon at a time. Would you like to help me out?
  4.  You know, just having a great time while hatching evil plans. Would you like to join me as my criminal partner?
  5.  In an attempt to shatter the record for the most naps taken in a single weekend. Would you like to go on this risky journey with me?
  6.  You are preparing for a highly covert operation to locate the best brunch place in town. Would you like to join me in loving brunches?
  7.  I am discovering my couch’s undiscovered territory. Do you want to go on this amazing adventure with me? 
  8.  I’m figuring out the magic number for how much pizza is too much. Do you want to go on this delightful quest with me?
  9.  I’m teaching my goldfish to swim synchronized. Would you like to see this underwater show?
  10.  I’m getting my karaoke on for our next duet. Are you prepared to steal the show as the star? 

Engaging and Open-ended Replies

  1. I’m up for recommendations. What should we do this weekend?
  2.  I’m being flexible with my timetable. What plans do you have for this coming weekend?
  3.  I’m just taking it easy. I would like to know your ideas about possible joint ventures.
  4.  As of now, firm plans are still being determined. Would you like to engage in any fun activities together?
  5.  Consider taking a tour of the city. Are there any locations you’ve been longing to see?
  6.  Any enjoyable thing is fine with me! What are your plans for the upcoming weekend?
  7.  As of yet, I’m undecided. Let’s brainstorm some ideas together.
  8.  Keeping my options open. What about you? Any plans for the weekend?
  9.  Just going with the flow. Do you have any suggestions for a spontaneous adventure? 
  10.  I’m unrestricted and willing to try new things. What should we do together, in your opinion?

Subtle Flirtation

  1. I remain secretive about my weekend plans. Do you want to untangle them?
  2.  I wish to spend some time with a special someone. Is anyone in the area?
  3.  I have some ideas, but they require collaboration. Would you like to go with me?
  4.  Considering taking on an adventurous task. Would you like a thrill?
  5.  This weekend might be unique. Want to take part in it?
  6.  Considering a few fascinating options, would you like to investigate them with me?
  7.  Allowing for improvisation this coming weekend. Do you want to join the journey?
  8.  I have some exciting things planned. Are you curious about what they are?
  9.  There will be a lot of surprises this weekend. Would you like to join them? 
  10.  Contemplating an enjoyable and thrilling idea. Would you like to share in the fun?

Maintaining Boundaries

  1. This weekend, I’m just going to go easy. Still, I appreciate you asking.
  2.  Thank you for the welcome, but I’m already committed to other things. Perhaps at a later date!
  3.  Thanks for the offer, but I have some personal commitments this weekend.
  4.  Just some alone time; nothing special was planned. Still, I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
  5.  Just unwinding at home. Let’s get together at a later time.
  6.  Spending the weekend in low-key. I appreciate you considering me.
  7.  Thank you for the invitation, but I have my plans set. Next time!
  8.  I’m not still waiting, but I’m taking it easy. Thanks for reaching out!
  9.  I’m just spending some quiet time this weekend. Let’s hang out another time!
  10.  Thanks for asking, but I already have plans. Have a great weekend, though! 

Direct and Confident Replies

  1. I had hoped to get to know you better. What if we went out to supper on Saturday?
  2.  I have this weekend off. Do you want to go hiking with me?
  3.  This weekend, I would adore to visit you. What if we went to the movies on Sunday?
  4.  On Saturday night, I’m free. What if we went dancing?
  5.  I’ve been meaning to check out that new eatery. Do you want to come over on Saturday?
  6.  I’m excited about the following weekend. What if we jointly organized a fun event? 
  7.  I’m willing to get out with you this weekend. What ideas do you have?
  8.  On Sunday afternoon, I’m free. Do you want to take a bike ride?
  9.  I’m considering spending this weekend at the beach. Would you like to go with me?
  10.  This weekend, I would adore to visit you. What if we had a picnic? 

Emotional and Expressive Responses

  1. I’ve been looking forward to the weekend, especially if it involves spending time with you.
  2.  I’m eager for the weekend to arrive. It’s the ideal chance for you to make some incredible memories.
  3.  I smile, thinking about hanging out with you over the weekend. Let’s make it one to remember!
  4.  Knowing we might spend time together this weekend fills me with excitement and anticipation.
  5.  I’m excited about spending quality time with you this weekend.
  6.  Thinking about the weekend ahead puts me in a great mood, especially if it means being with you.
  7.  The weekend holds so much promise, especially when I imagine sharing it with someone as unique as you. 
  8.  Weekends are always better when spent with good company; I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be with.
  9.  The weekend is just around the corner, and I can’t help but feel excited about the possibility of spending it with you.
  10.  Knowing that the weekend is approaching fills me with anticipation, especially when I think about our potential to spend time together. 

Creative and Unconventional Answers

  1. I want to throw a dance-off with the squirrels in my backyard. Are you interested in becoming a judge?
  2.  I suggest putting together a temporary spa in my living room. Would you like to join me in relaxing?
  3.  Imagine a weekend of pillow fort construction and Nerf gun skirmishes. Would you like to partake in the fun?
  4.  I suggest organizing a double feature of iconic ’80s movies. Could you be my co-host?
  5.  I’m planning on building a homemade mini-golf course in my garden. Ready to put your putting prowess to the test?
  6.  I am generating concepts for an unplanned picture session. Do you want to serve as my model?
  7.  We were stargazing on my rooftop while thinking about the mysteries of the universe. Do you want to feel with me? 
  8.  Consider setting up a local scavenger hunt. Are you prepared to set out on a search for lost riches?
  9.  Thinking back to a weekend spent honing my pancake-flipping technique. Are you willing to try my food?
  10.  I want to turn my kitchen into a culinary research facility. Would you like to work as my sous chef? 


Responding to What are you doing this weekend? Offers a chance to spice up your conversations with some flirtation and fun. The secret is to strike a balance that keeps the conversation light and fun, whether for quiet seduction, sincere interest, or lighthearted banter. 


Q. How do I respond flirtatiously without coming on too strong?

Your response should be lighthearted and humorous; avoid using provocative or innuendo language. 

Q. Can I be direct in my response?

It is contingent upon the situation and degree of comfort. Sometimes, it’s refreshing to be blunt, but be sure it fits the conversation’s overall tone. 

Q. What if I’m not interested in spending time with the person asking?

Thank them for their interest and politely decline. To prevent miscommunication, be tough but kind in your response.

Q. Can I use emojis in my response to add a playful touch?

Emojis can improve the response’s tone by bringing in some humor. Just be careful not to use them excessively.

Q. Should I tailor my response based on my relationship with the person asking?

Indeed. The type of relationship you have and the degree of familiarity you have with the individual inquiring should be reflected in your response.

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