Answer “What Do You Like Doing For Fun?” : 150+ Answers

Have you ever pondered the question, “What do you like doing for fun?” It’s a simple question that holds significant weight in our daily lives. Diving into what makes us tick and what brings us joy can profoundly impact our happiness and satisfaction. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of this question, how to discover your interests, and how incorporating fun into your life can enhance your well-being.

Understanding Personal Interests

When discussing personal interests, we refer to the activities and hobbies that captivate and engage us deeply. These interests are not just pastimes but essential parts of who we are. They reflect our personalities, our passions, and what makes life enjoyable. Whether painting, running, or baking, personal interests add flavour to our routines and bring colour to our everyday existence.

Why It’s Important to Ask Yourself: “What Do You Like Doing For Fun?”

So, why should we bother asking ourselves what we like doing for fun? Let’s break it down:

  • Emotional Benefits: Engaging in enjoyable activities helps boost our mood and overall emotional state. It’s a natural way to lift our spirits and combat feelings of stress and anxiety.
  • Psychological Benefits: Fun activities stimulate our brains, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills. It’s not just about the joy but also the mental exercise that comes with it.
  • Social Benefits: Sharing fun activities can strengthen relationships and build community. Whether it’s a game night with friends or a family outing, social interactions often revolve around shared interests and enjoyable experiences.

150+ Answers to “What Do You Like Doing For Fun?” 

Outdoor Activities

  1. Hiking through local trails: I love exploring nature and discovering new trails. It’s a great way to clear my mind and enjoy beautiful scenery.
  2. Camping under the stars: There’s something magical about sleeping in a tent and waking up to the sound of birds. I find it incredibly refreshing.
  3. Cycling around the city: Exploring new parts of town on my bike is fun and good exercise. I often stumble upon hidden gems in my neighbourhood.
  4. Fishing at the lake: I find fishing a peaceful escape from daily life. It’s relaxing to spend a day by the water and try to catch the big one.
  5. Gardening in my backyard: Growing my vegetables and flowers is rewarding. I love watching my garden bloom and harvesting fresh produce.
  6. Picnicking in the park: I enjoy packing lunch and spending a sunny afternoon lounging on a blanket with friends and family.
  7. Kayaking on the river: Paddling through calm waters and taking in the natural surroundings is a great way to unwind and stay active.
  8. Rock climbing outdoors: Scaling natural rock formations gives me a thrill and a sense of accomplishment. It’s also a fantastic workout.
  9. Stargazing on a clear night: I love lying on a blanket and watching the stars. It’s a perfect way to relax and feel connected to the universe.
  10. Horseback riding through trails: Riding a horse through nature is exhilarating and allows me to bond with these magnificent animals.

Sports and Fitness

  1. Running in the morning: I enjoy starting my day with a run. It helps me feel energised and ready to tackle whatever comes my way.
  2. Playing soccer with friends: Getting together for a soccer game is a great way to stay active and have fun. The friendly competition is always a blast.
  3. Joining a yoga class: Yoga helps me with flexibility and relaxation. I love the peaceful atmosphere and the sense of balance it brings.
  4. Swimming at the local pool: Swimming laps is a great workout and a refreshing way to cool off, especially on a hot day.
  5. Attending spinning classes: The high-energy atmosphere and the spinning challenge helped me stay motivated and push my limits.
  6. Participating in a fitness boot camp: The group environment and varied exercises make camp workouts exciting and effective.
  7. Practising martial arts: martial arts is an excellent way to build strength and discipline while learning self-defence techniques.
  8. Playing tennis at the park: Whether a friendly match or a more competitive game, tennis is a fun way to stay fit and socialise.
  9. Trying out a new sport: I enjoy experimenting with different sports, from ultimate frisbee to rock climbing. It’s fun to challenge myself and learn new skills.
  10. Going for a bike ride on weekends: Cycling through scenic routes or urban areas is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get some exercise.

Arts and Crafts

  1. Painting landscapes on canvas: I love capturing the beauty of nature through painting. It’s a relaxing way to express creativity and unwind.
  2. Making handmade jewellery: Designing and crafting my jewellery pieces is a satisfying and personal way to create something beautiful.
  3. Sculpting with clay: Working with clay allows me to shape and mould unique creations. It’s a tactile and rewarding artistic experience.
  4. Knitting cosy scarves: I enjoy knitting as a calming activity. Making scarves and blankets for friends and family is a nice way to show I care.
  5. Creating scrapbooks: I like preserving memories by creating scrapbooks filled with photos, mementoes, and decorative elements.
  6. Designing custom greeting cards: Making personalised cards for birthdays and special occasions is fun and allows you to share your creativity with loved ones.
  7. Doing DIY home decor projects: I enjoy transforming spaces with homemade decorations and improvements. It’s fulfilling to see my ideas come to life.
  8. Drawing portraits: Sketching faces is a challenging yet enjoyable way to hone my artistic skills and capture the essence of people.
  9. Making origami art: I am fascinated by origami’s intricate folds and shapes. I find it relaxing to create paper sculptures and decorations.
  10. Upcycling furniture: I love giving old furniture new life with fresh paint and creative design. It’s a practical and artistic way to refresh my home.


  1. Binge-watching TV series: I love diving into a good TV show and getting lost in a captivating storyline. It’s the perfect way to unwind after a long day.
  2. Going to the movies: There’s something special about the big screen experience and enjoying a film with a tub of popcorn. It’s a great escape.
  3. Listening to live music: Whether a concert or a small local gig, live music always energises me and provides a fantastic atmosphere.
  4. Playing video games: I enjoy immersing myself in different game worlds- thrilling action games or relaxing simulations.
  5. Attending theatre performances: Watching a live play or musical is a rich experience. I love seeing the creativity and talent on stage.
  6. Exploring new podcasts: I enjoy discovering interesting podcasts on various topics. They’re perfect for learning something new or just being entertained.
  7. Watching documentaries: I find documentaries informative and engaging, offering new insights into subjects I’m curious about.
  8. Going to comedy shows: A night of laughter at a comedy club is always a blast. I love hearing new jokes and enjoying a good laugh with friends.
  9. Participating in trivia nights: Testing my knowledge in a fun, competitive environment with friends is always a great time. Plus, I get to learn interesting facts!
  10. Exploring board games: I enjoy gathering with friends or family to play board games. It’s a fun way to challenge ourselves and enjoy some friendly competition.

Social Activities

  1. Hosting game nights: I love inviting friends to play board games and laugh. It’s a great way to connect and enjoy each other’s company.
  2. Going out for dinner with friends: Sharing a meal at a nice restaurant or trying out new eateries is always enjoyable and a great way to catch up.
  3. Attending social gatherings: Whether a casual get-together or a party, I enjoy meeting new people and spending time with friends and family.
  4. Joining book clubs: Discussing books and sharing thoughts with fellow readers is a fun way to delve deeper into literature and make new friends.
  5. Participating in community events: From local fairs to charity runs, community events are a great way to socialise and support causes I care about.
  6. Organising potluck dinners: I enjoy hosting potlucks where everyone brings a dish. It’s a fun way to share meals and recipes with friends.
  7. Going to sporting events: Cheering on a local team or attending major sports events with friends is a thrilling and social experience.
  8. Volunteering together: Working on community service projects with friends or family is a rewarding way to give back while spending quality time together.
  9. Participating in group classes: Joining group fitness or cooking classes is a great way to learn something new and meet people with similar interests.
  10. Hosting themed parties: Organizing parties with fun themes, like costume or game nights, is a blast and a creative way to bring people together.

Travel and Exploration

  1. Exploring new cities: I love discovering the unique charm of different cities, trying local cuisine, and soaking in the culture and history.
  2. Taking road trips: Hitting the road for a spontaneous adventure is exhilarating. I enjoy the freedom of exploring new places and finding hidden gems.
  3. Visiting national parks: Spending time in national parks allows me to experience breathtaking landscapes and connect with nature.
  4. Going on weekend getaways: Short trips to nearby destinations are a fantastic way to relax and break away from routine without taking too much time off.
  5. Trying out local festivals: Attending festivals and events in different places gives me a taste of local traditions and celebrations.
  6. Exploring historical landmarks: I find it fascinating to visit historic sites and learn about the past. It’s like stepping back in time and understanding different cultures.
  7. Cruising to new destinations: A cruise offers a unique way to visit multiple places while enjoying the ship’s comforts and meeting fellow travellers.
  8. Sampling international cuisine: One of my favourite aspects of travelling is trying new foods and flavours worldwide.
  9. Going on guided tours: I enjoy taking guided tours to learn about new places and ensure I see all the must-see spots.
  10. Experiencing local art and museums: Visiting art galleries and museums allows me to appreciate local creativity and gain insights into the culture of the places I visit.

Learning and Hobbies

  1. Taking online courses: I love expanding my knowledge by taking online courses in subjects like photography, cooking, or even coding. It’s a great way to keep learning.
  2. Learning to play a musical instrument: Picking up a new instrument, like the guitar or piano, is both challenging and rewarding. I enjoy the process of improving my skills.
  3. Gardening as a hobby: I find growing plants and flowers incredibly fulfilling. I love seeing my garden flourish and experimenting with different gardening techniques.
  4. Reading and collecting books: I enjoy reading a variety of genres and collecting interesting books. It’s a great way to relax and explore new ideas.
  5. Trying out new recipes: Cooking and baking new recipes is a fun and creative way to spend time. I love experimenting in the kitchen and sharing my creations with others.
  6. Building model kits: Assembling models, like cars or planes, is a relaxing and detail-oriented hobby. It’s satisfying to see the final product come together.
  7. Exploring creative writing: Writing stories or poems allows me to express my imagination and creativity. It’s a great way to unwind and share my thoughts.
  8. Taking up photography: Capturing moments through photography helps me see the world from different perspectives. I enjoy experimenting with different techniques and subjects.
  9. Learning a new language: I find learning and practising new languages exciting. It opens up opportunities to connect with people from different cultures.
  10. Joining craft workshops: Attending workshops for pottery or sewing is a fun way to pick up new skills and meet people with similar interests.

Relaxation and Wellness

  1. Practising mindfulness meditation helps me clear my mind and find inner peace. It’s a great way to manage stress and improve my well-being.
  2. Taking long baths: I find soaking in a warm bath with soothing music or a good book relaxing and refreshing.
  3. Going for nature walks: Strolling through nature trails allows me to unwind and enjoy the calming effects of the outdoors. It’s a perfect way to de-stress.
  4. Listening to calming music: Creating relaxing music playlists helps me wind down after a busy day and creates a peaceful atmosphere.
  5. Practising yoga at home: I enjoy doing yoga routines in the comfort of my home. It helps me stay flexible and centred while reducing stress.
  6. Reading a good book in a cosy spot: Finding a comfortable corner and getting lost in a good book is my favourite way to relax and escape from daily pressures.
  7. Doing light stretching exercises: Gentle stretching helps me release tension and feel more relaxed. It’s a simple but effective way to care for my body.
  8. Going for a leisurely swim: Swimming relaxedly is soothing and helps me unwind while getting light exercise.
  9. Savouring a cup of herbal tea: Enjoying a calming cup of herbal tea, like chamomile or peppermint, is a soothing ritual that helps me relax and feel at ease.
  10. Engaging in creative hobbies: Activities like painting or knitting provide a relaxing and enjoyable escape from everyday stress.

Animals and Pets

  1. Playing with my dog in the park: I love taking my dog to the park and playing fetch. It’s a great way to exercise and have fun together.
  2. Training my cat with new tricks: Teaching my cat new tricks and seeing her learn and respond is both challenging and rewarding. It’s a fun way to bond.
  3. Volunteering at an animal shelter: Spending time caring for animals at a shelter is fulfilling and a great way to help animals in need.
  4. Going on walks with my pet: Regular walks with my pet are a great way to enjoy the outdoors and strengthen our bond. It’s a win-win for exercise and quality time.
  5. Setting up a pet playdate: I organise playdates for my pets with their friends, which is a fun way for them to socialise and enjoy each other’s company.
  6. Creating DIY toys for pets: Making toys and enrichment activities for my pets keeps them entertained and stimulated. It’s a creative way to show them some love.
  7. Observing wildlife in my backyard: Watching birds and other wildlife from my backyard provides entertainment and a connection to nature without leaving home.
  8. Grooming and pampering my pets: Giving my pets grooming sessions and special treats is a relaxing way to care for them and enjoy their company.
  9. Training for pet agility competitions: Preparing for agility courses with my pet is fun and challenging. It’s a great way to work together and improve our skills.
  10. Taking pet-friendly vacations: Traveling to pet-friendly destinations allows me to enjoy vacations while including my furry friend in the fun.

Community Involvement

  1. Volunteering at local events: I enjoy helping out at community events, whether setting up for a festival or running a charity drive. It’s rewarding to see the positive impact on my neighbourhood.
  2. Participating in neighbourhood clean-ups: Joining clean-up efforts in my area helps keep the environment beautiful and shows pride in my community.
  3. Serving at a soup kitchen: I find serving meals at a local soup kitchen fulfilling. It’s a way to connect with others and make a tangible difference.
  4. Helping with local fundraisers: I like getting involved in fundraisers for local causes. Whether organising a charity auction or participating in a walkathon, supporting worthwhile initiatives is great.
  5. Mentoring youth: Volunteering as a mentor for young people is incredibly rewarding. I enjoy sharing my experiences and helping them navigate their futures.
  6. Participating in community theatre: Being part of a local theatre group allows me to contribute to the arts and connect with others who share my passion for performing.
  7. Joining a neighbourhood association: Getting involved in a neighbourhood association helps me stay informed about local issues and work towards improving our community.
  8. Organising book drives: Collecting and distributing books for needy children is a fulfilling way to support literacy and education in my community.
  9. Hosting educational workshops: I enjoy leading workshops on various topics, like financial literacy or creative writing, to help others in my community learn and grow.
  10. Supporting local farmers’ markets: Regularly visiting and promoting local farmers’ markets helps support local producers and fosters a strong community spirit.

Adventure and Thrills

  1. Going skydiving: The adrenaline rush from skydiving is unbeatable. It’s an exhilarating experience that pushes my limits and gives me a new perspective.
  2. Exploring caves: I find cave exploration to be an exciting adventure. Discovering underground formations and navigating tight spaces is thrilling.
  3. White-water rafting: Tackling rapids in a raft is an intense and exhilarating experience. I love the challenge and the camaraderie of doing it with friends.
  4. Trying bungee jumping: I’ve always wanted to try the thrill of jumping off a bridge. It’s a heart-pounding experience that’s sure to be unforgettable.
  5. Hiking to mountain summits: Reaching the top of a mountain after a challenging hike is an incredible achievement. The view and sense of accomplishment make it all worthwhile.
  6. Going zip-lining: Soaring through the treetops on a zip-line is an exciting way to experience nature differently.
  7. Participating in a mud run: The combination of running, obstacles, and mud makes for a fun and challenging adventure. It’s a great way to push my physical limits.
  8. Exploring abandoned places: Venturing into abandoned buildings or forgotten sites adds a sense of mystery and adventure to my explorations.
  9. Trying out rock climbing: Climbing natural rock faces or indoor walls offers a mix of physical challenge and mental focus. It’s both a workout and an adventure.
  10. Going on a hot-air balloon ride: Floating above the ground in a hot-air balloon provides a serene and breathtaking view and a unique sense of adventure.

Food and Drink

  1. Trying new cuisines: I love exploring different types of cuisine, whether sampling street food or dining at a new restaurant. It’s a delicious way to experience other cultures.
  2. Hosting dinner parties: Preparing and serving meals for friends at a dinner party is a joy. I enjoy experimenting with recipes and creating a memorable dining experience.
  3. Attending food festivals: Visiting food festivals allows me to try various dishes and discover new favourites. The atmosphere and variety are always exciting.
  4. Brewing my coffee: I enjoy experimenting with different brewing methods and coffee blends to create the perfect cup. It’s a relaxing and satisfying hobby.
  5. Exploring craft breweries: Tasting different craft beers and learning about the brewing process is a fun way to appreciate the art of beer-making.
  6. Baking homemade desserts: I love baking cakes, cookies, and pastries from scratch. The process of creating something sweet and sharing it with others is rewarding.
  7. Going wine tasting: Visiting vineyards and sampling various wines is a delightful experience. I enjoy learning about different varieties and finding new favourites.
  8. Trying out new cocktail recipes: Mixing up unique cocktails and experimenting with flavours is a fun way to explore the world of drinks and entertain guests.
  9. Exploring farmers’ markets: Shopping at farmers’ markets for fresh produce and artisanal products is a great way to enjoy high-quality ingredients and support local vendors.
  10. Attending cooking classes: Taking cooking classes to learn new techniques and recipes is educational and enjoyable. It’s a great way to enhance my culinary skills.

Technology and Gadgets

  1. Exploring new tech gadgets: I love checking out the latest gadgets, from smart home devices to wearable tech. It’s exciting to see how technology evolves and find new ways to enhance my daily life.
  2. Building custom PCs: Assembling my computer from scratch allows me to customise it to my needs. I enjoy researching components and optimising performance.
  3. Experimenting with virtual reality: Diving into VR experiences is a blast. Whether gaming or exploring virtual worlds, VR offers a unique and immersive form of entertainment.
  4. Trying out the latest smartphone apps: I enjoy discovering and testing new apps that can make life easier or provide fun. It’s interesting to see the innovation in the app world.
  5. Tinkering with robotics kits: Building and programming robots using robotics kits is challenging and rewarding. It’s a hands-on way to learn about technology and automation.
  6. Using drones for aerial photography: Flying drones and capturing stunning aerial shots is a thrilling way to combine technology with creativity. It’s amazing to see familiar places from a new perspective.
  7. Participating in tech meetups: Attending tech meetups and conferences allows me to network with other enthusiasts and learn about the latest trends and innovations in the industry.
  8. Testing new software tools: I enjoy experimenting with new tools and applications, from creative design programs to productivity apps. It’s a great way to stay on top of tech trends.
  9. Building and programming smart home systems: Setting up smart home systems to automate tasks and control devices is practical and fun. It makes my home more efficient and tech-savvy.
  10. Exploring retro tech: I have a soft spot for retro technology, like old gaming consoles or vintage computers. Restoring and using these gadgets is a nostalgic and enjoyable hobby.

Fashion and Style

  1. Experimenting with new outfits: I love trying different clothing combinations and styles. Mixing and matching pieces to create unique looks that reflect my personality is fun.
  2. Following fashion trends: It is exciting to keep up with the latest trends and incorporate them into my wardrobe. I enjoy staying stylish and current with what’s in vogue.
  3. Attending fashion shows: Watching fashion shows in person or online allows me to see the latest designs and be inspired by designers’ creativity.
  4. Designing my clothes: I enjoy sketching and sewing my clothing. It’s a creative way to create one-of-a-kind pieces that fit perfectly and reflect my style.
  5. Shopping at thrift stores: Thrift shopping is a great way to find unique and vintage clothing items. I enjoy hunting for hidden gems and giving pre-loved clothes a new life.
  6. Accessorising with statement pieces: Adding bold accessories, like chunky jewellery or vibrant scarves, is a fun way to elevate and personalise my outfits.
  7. Exploring different hairstyles: Experimenting with new hairstyles and hair colours is a fun way to change my look and express my style.
  8. Participating in fashion swaps: Trading clothes with friends or participating in fashion swaps allows me to refresh my wardrobe and discover new styles without spending a lot.
  9. Following style influencers: I enjoy browsing social media for style inspiration from fashion influencers. It’s a great way to get ideas and see how others assemble their outfits.
  10. Creating a fashion blog: Sharing my style and fashion tips through a blog allows me to connect with others with similar interests and showcase my creativity.

Creative Writing

  1. Writing short stories: Crafting short stories lets me explore different characters and plots. I enjoy creating imaginative worlds and sharing them with others.
  2. Journaling daily experiences: Keeping a journal helps me reflect on my day and capture personal thoughts. It’s a great way to document my life and improve my writing skills.
  3. Composing poetry: Writing poetry allows me to express emotions and ideas in a condensed and impactful way. It’s a creative outlet that helps me play with language and form.
  4. Working on a novel: Developing a novel is a long-term project that’s both challenging and rewarding. I love diving deep into character development and intricate plots.
  5. Writing screenplays: Crafting screenplays for films or TV shows lets me explore storytelling through dialogue and action. It’s a fun way to envision stories in a visual format.
  6. Participating in writing prompts: Writing prompts to spark creativity helps me overcome writer’s block and explore new themes or genres.
  7. Collaborating on writing projects: Working with other writers on collaborative projects allows me to share ideas and develop stories from different perspectives.
  8. Exploring creative non-fiction: Writing creative non-fiction pieces lets me blend factual information with narrative techniques, creating engaging and informative content.
  9. Crafting dialogues for plays: Developing dialogues for theatrical plays helps me hone my skills in writing realistic and compelling conversations between characters.
  10. Editing and revising drafts: I enjoy editing and revising my drafts to refine my writing and enhance the overall quality of my work. It’s a crucial part of creating polished, final pieces.

Exploring Different Types of Fun Activities

Let’s dive into the various kinds of activities that people often enjoy. The beauty of fun is that it comes in many forms:

  • Outdoor Activities: If you love the great outdoors, you might enjoy hiking, camping, or participating in sports. The fresh air and physical exercise can be incredibly refreshing.
  • Indoor Activities: Some people prefer to be inside. Indoor activities like reading, writing, and engaging in arts and crafts can be as fulfilling. These activities provide a creative outlet and can be a great way to relax.
  • Social Activities: Gathering with friends or engaging in community service can be fun. These activities often involve social interaction, a significant source of joy and connection.

Finding Your Passion

Discovering what you enjoy doing for fun can sometimes be a journey. Here are a few tips to help you uncover your passions:

  • Explore New Activities: Sometimes, you won’t know what you like until you try it. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different hobbies and interests.
  • Reflect on Past Joys: Think back to activities that have brought you joy. This can provide clues about what you might still enjoy today.
  • Listen to Your Instincts: Pay attention to what excites you and what you naturally gravitate toward. Your instincts can be a powerful guide.

The Impact of Fun on Your Well-being

Engaging in fun activities doesn’t just make life more enjoyable; it has tangible benefits for your well-being:

  • Physical Health Benefits: Many fun activities involve physical movement, which can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and boost overall fitness.
  • Mental Health Benefits: Fun activities are excellent for mental health. They can reduce stress, improve mood, and provide a sense of accomplishment.
  • Stress Relief: Taking time for enjoyable activities helps alleviate stress and provides a break from the demands of daily life.

Integrating Fun Into Your Daily Life

Finding time for fun can be a challenge, especially with busy schedules. Here’s how to make it work:

  • Balance Work and Play: Ensure you allocate time for hobbies and interests alongside your work commitments. It’s all about finding a balance that works for you.
  • Make Time for Hobbies: Schedule regular intervals for your favourite activities. It doesn’t have to be a huge time commitment, but consistent involvement can make a big difference.

How to Sustain Your Interests Over Time

Keeping your hobbies engaging and relevant can be key to long-term enjoyment:

  • Set Goals and Challenges: Challenge yourself with new goals related to your hobbies. This can keep things exciting and provide a sense of progress.
  • Keep Things Fresh: Mix up your routine and try new variations of your interests. This can prevent boredom and maintain enthusiasm.

Personal Stories and Examples

Many people have discovered profound joys through their hobbies. For example, someone might start painting to relax, only to find it a major passion leading to an art career. Another person might pick up running to stay fit and end up finding a community of like-minded individuals.


In conclusion, exploring various fun activities can lead to discovering new passions and enriching your leisure time. Whether you’re looking for exciting adventures or relaxing pastimes, our list of 150+ answers provides ample inspiration for what to do next. Embracing different hobbies adds joy to your daily routine and can be a great way to connect with others. For more insights into engaging conversations, 

check out our guide on:
How to Answer “How Are You Feeling?” – 150+ Answers

Check it Out Here.


Q. What if I don’t know what I like doing for fun?

It’s okay not to have all the answers right away. Start by exploring different activities and reflecting on what brings you joy. Over time, you’ll likely discover what resonates with you.

Q. How can I find time for my hobbies?

Prioritise your hobbies by scheduling them into your routine. Even short periods of dedicated time can make a big difference.

Q. Can my hobbies change over time?

Absolutely! As you grow and evolve, your interests may change. Embrace these shifts as they can lead to new and exciting experiences.

Q. What if my hobbies seem too unusual?

Embrace your unique interests! What matters most is that you enjoy them. Unusual hobbies often lead to the most fulfilling experiences.

Q. How can I incorporate fun activities into a busy schedule?

Find small ways to integrate fun into your day. Even short bursts of enjoyable activities can provide a much-needed break and boost your happiness.

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