Savage Roasts for Your Ex-Best Friend : 150+ Roasts

Ah, ex-best friends—the once-close confidants who now make for excellent fodder in a roast. Whether you’re looking to get some laughs out of a tough breakup or just want to let off some steam, roasting your ex-best friend can be an entertaining way to do it. But how do you navigate the delicate balance between humor and harshness? Let’s dive into the art of savage roasts with style and wit.

Understanding Roasting

  • What is Roasting?

Roasting involves playful yet cutting humor directed towards someone, often to entertain an audience. It’s like a friendly jab meant to make people laugh rather than to wound deeply. Picture it like a verbal sparring match where the goal is to be clever and funny, not hurtful.

  • The Fine Line Between Humor and Insult

Roasting can be a tricky business. The key is to avoid crossing into mean-spirited territory. It’s essential to keep your roasts sharp but light-hearted. If the joke feels like it might sting too much, it’s probably best to dial it back a notch.

Why Roasts for Your Ex-Best Friend?

  • Emotional Release

Sometimes, humor is the best way to deal with a broken friendship. Roasting your ex-best friend can be a cathartic release, allowing you to channel your feelings into something creative and entertaining.

  • Moving On and Closure

Roasts can also help in moving on. By making light of past issues, you acknowledge them without letting them hold you back. It’s a way to close that chapter with a smile, even if the story didn’t end as you’d hoped.

150+ Roasts To Say To Your Ex-Best Friend 

Personality Traits

  1. It’s impressive how you manage to be both clueless and self-absorbed at the same time. You’ve got a real talent.
  2. I’ve met rocks with more charisma than you. Do you have a personality, or is it just a space?
  3. I must hand it to you—your ability to make everything about you is unmatched. It’s a skill.
  4. It’s amazing how you can turn every conversation into a monologue about yourself. You must think you’re fascinating.
  5. Your idea of a deep conversation is talking about how tired you are. It’s truly groundbreaking stuff.
  6. I’ve never seen someone so dedicated to being unimpressive. It’s almost an art form.
  7. Is it exhausting being this consistently underwhelming, or do you have a good endurance for it?
  8. You must have a Ph.D. in overthinking. It’s the only explanation for your constant state of confusion.
  9. Your social skills are so advanced they’ve gone completely underground. We’re talking ‘lost in the Bermuda Triangle’ level.
  10. Whenever you try to be deep, it’s like watching someone struggle with a philosophy textbook while standing in a kiddie pool.


  1. I didn’t know Neon was back in style. Oh wait, you’re just ahead of your time—or maybe just stuck in the past.
  2. Is that your ‘I’m having a bad hair day’ look, or is it more of a ‘permanently disheveled’ vibe you’re going for?
  3. Wow, I didn’t realize clashing patterns existed until I saw your outfit. You’re making a statement!
  4. Your fashion sense is like a time capsule from a decade that should have stayed buried.
  5. Is that a new trend you’re starting, or did you just get dressed in the dark this morning?
  6. Your wardrobe choices are like a visual representation of your personality—confusing and outdated.
  7. You’re still committed to your ‘I don’t care’ look. Mission accomplished—none of us care.
  8. The next time you consider adding more accessories, remember that less is sometimes more, especially in your case.
  9. Your outfit is so loud, I’m surprised it didn’t wake the entire neighborhood.
  10. Is it a special occasion, or did you dress like a walking fashion disaster today?

Past Mistakes

  1. Remember when you thought wearing white to a barbecue was a good idea? That was classic; you are always making the worst choices.
  2. I still can’t believe you tried to impress everyone with that failed cooking experiment. It was a real ‘chef’s kiss’ disaster.
  3. The time you got lost on a straight road will forever be one of your greatest achievements. Are you directionally challenged?
  4. I haven’t seen someone make such a mess of a simple task since your last big ‘oops’ moment. Classic overachiever.
  5. Do you still remember the epic failure of your DIY project? That was an absolute masterpiece of incompetence.
  6. Did you think you were being smooth with that pickup line then? Yeah, it was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
  7. Your attempt at being a ‘fashion icon’ with that outfit was truly unforgettable—for all the wrong reasons.
  8. Remember when you tried to fix that problem yourself and ended up making it ten times worse? Bravo on the disaster.
  9. The ‘Great Karaoke Night’ incident will always stand as a testament to your commitment to being off-key and tone-deaf.
  10. I still laugh thinking about how you managed to mix up the dates for that big event. It was like watching a comedy show.

Social Skills

  1. Your idea of making friends is walking into a room and asking everyone for their opinions—on you. It’s an interesting strategy.
  2. I’ve seen better small talk at a library. You’ve mastered the art of making awkward conversations even more awkward.
  3. You could teach a masterclass on how to make every social interaction as uncomfortable as possible. I’d sign up just to watch.
  4. You’re like a human ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign. When you enter a room, people start looking for excuses to leave.
  5. It’s impressive how you can turn a simple greeting into a monologue about your life. Do you ever let anyone else speak?
  6. You have a gift for making every social event feel like a mandatory work function. It’s almost admirable.
  7. Your social skills are so advanced they’ve circled back to being socially inept. It’s a rare talent.
  8. You must have a Ph.D. in misreading social cues. You’re trying to win a competition for the most awkward responses.
  9. Every time you try to mingle, it’s like watching someone play a game of ‘How Many Ways Can I Make This Awkward?’
  10. Your idea of social grace is like watching a giraffe try to dance. It’s endearing but ultimately disastrous.


  1. Your IQ must be the same as your shoe size because that’s how many brain cells you have left.
  2. It’s amazing how you can always come up with the most obvious answers, even when they’re wrong.
  3. Your thought process is like watching a hamster on a wheel—lots of motion but no real progress.
  4. You’ve managed to turn being clueless into an art form. It’s something to see.
  5. Whenever you open your mouth, it’s like a live demonstration of ‘how not to use basic logic.’
  6. You should get a medal for your ability to make even the simplest concepts seem complicated. It’s truly a talent.
  7. Your brain must have a vacation schedule because it’s always checked out whenever you need it most.
  8. It’s fascinating how you manage to misunderstand everything, no matter how clearly it’s explained.
  9. You could start a school to learn how to make basic mistakes. I’m sure you’d be the star student.
  10. Your intelligence level is like a puzzle with missing pieces—neither complete nor engaging.

Social Media Presence

  1. Your feed is like a never-ending loop of ‘what not to post.’ It’s like you’re trying to set a new standard for cringe.
  2. I’m starting to think you’re a performance artist, and your social media account is your masterpiece of bad taste.
  3. Every time I scroll through your posts, I can’t help but wonder if you’re aiming for the ‘most annoying account’ award.
  4. It’s impressive how you turn every social media update into a personal drama. Truly, you’re a master storyteller.
  5. Your posts are like a train wreck—fascinating, but I can’t look away, even though I want to.
  6. You’ve set a new bar for oversharing. I didn’t need to know that much about your day-to-day life.
  7. Your online persona perfectly exemplifies what happens when you mix too much free time with too little self-awareness.
  8. It’s amazing how you can repeatedly post the same boring content and make it less interesting each time.
  9. Your feed looks like a series of bad-life decisions documented for all the world to see. It’s like reality TV but less glamorous.
  10. Whenever you post, you’re holding up a mirror to the worst parts of social media. It’s both fascinating and horrifying.

Hobbies and Interests

  1. Your hobby of collecting pointless trivia might be the most impressive way to waste time I’ve ever seen. Truly a masterpiece of uselessness.
  2. It’s amazing how you’ve turned binge-watching TV shows into art. I’m sure it’s a very prestigious hobby in procrastination.
  3. Your enthusiasm for stamp collecting is inspiring—if by inspiring, you mean utterly baffling and incomprehensible.
  4. I see you’re still into that obscure hobby of yours. I guess someone has to keep the world’s most pointless pastimes alive.
  5. How you obsess over your quirky interests makes me think you’re auditioning for a role in a ‘most eccentric person’ reality show.
  6. It’s impressive how you’ve made a career out of your hobbies. Who knew being into ‘theoretical model train engineering’ was so lucrative?
  7. Your dedication to knitting is heartwarming—if by heartwarming you mean it’s a wonderful way to waste an afternoon while creating something nobody wants.
  8. I didn’t realize bird-watching was such an intense sport. Your passion for it is truly something to behold… from a safe distance.
  9. The way you talk about your collection of antique spoons makes me wonder if you’re secretly trying to be a museum curator for the world’s dullest items.
  10. Your hobby of talking about your hobbies is something. It’s like you’re giving a TED Talk on how to bore everyone in the room.

Career or Ambitions

  1. It’s impressive how you’ve managed to turn ‘daydreaming about success’ into a full-time career. I’m sure your resume is as empty as your ambition.
  2. Your career path is like a choose-your-own-adventure book where every choice leads to a dead end. Fascinatingly uninspired.
  3. I see you’re still chasing that dream job. It’s almost as if you’re on a never-ending quest for ‘the perfect job that doesn’t exist.’
  4. You’ve set the bar so low for career achievements that even limbo dancers are impressed. Your ambition is truly a marvel.
  5. Your job title sounds impressive until you realize it’s just a fancy way of saying ‘professionally underwhelming.’
  6. I’m sure your career plans are going great—if by ‘great’ you mean ‘perpetually stuck in neutral without any forward momentum.’
  7. It’s amazing how you make the most mundane tasks sound like monumental achievements. Your career must be a real thrill ride.
  8. Your work ethic is so inspiring that it’s a cautionary tale for anyone trying to avoid mediocrity.
  9. Your career goals are like a motivational poster for procrastinators. I’m sure you’ll achieve them someday—just not today.
  10. Your way of talking about your ‘big plans’ is like watching someone plan a road trip without a map or a car.


  1. Your dating history is like a highlight reel of bad decisions. I’m just glad I’m not on it.
  2. It’s amazing how you turn every relationship into a soap opera. Your life must be one dramatic episode after another.
  3. I didn’t realize ‘relationship drama’ was a hobby until I saw your track record. You’re dedicated to the role.
  4. Your idea of a ‘perfect relationship’ is like a fantasy novel—nice to dream about but completely unrealistic.
  5. It’s almost impressive how you find the most dramatic and least compatible partners. You should teach a class on how to attract chaos.
  6. Whenever you talk about your love life, it’s like a bad reality show. I’m just waiting for the next plot twist.
  7. Your dating life could be a bestseller in the ‘how not to date’ genre. It’s both fascinating and cringe-worthy.
  8. You’ve set a new standard for relationship ups and downs. I’m sure it’s exhausting to live out, but at least it’s entertaining to watch.
  9. Your approach to relationships is like a rollercoaster—full of thrills and spills, but ultimately, just a lot of screaming.
  10. How you talk about your past relationships makes me wonder if you’re secretly auditioning for a part in a dramatic love saga.

Personal Achievements

  1. Your achievements are like a greatest-hits album of mediocrity. It’s impressive how consistently unimpressive they are.
  2. It’s amazing how you celebrate the smallest victories, like major milestones. Your standards for achievement are truly unique.
  3. Your biggest achievement so far is keeping a houseplant alive. It’s a solid start, but let’s not get carried away.
  4. You’re still proudly flaunting your participation trophy from that one event. It’s like celebrating the fact that you showed up.
  5. Your list of accomplishments is much like your diet—full of empty promises and little substance.
  6. Whenever you discuss your achievements, I remember the phrase ‘low bar.’ You’ve set a new standard for celebrating the mundane.
  7. Your milestones are impressive if we discuss making minor victories seem monumental.
  8. It’s almost an art form how you turn every small success into a major headline. You’ve got a real gift for self-promotion.
  9. The way you brag about your achievements makes me wonder if you’re auditioning for a reality show about overestimating one’s success.
  10. Your achievements are like a series of warm-up exercises. You’re still gearing up for something substantial—someday.

Shared Memories

  1. Remember when we tried to make homemade pizza and had a kitchen disaster? That was your finest hour of culinary chaos.
  2. I still laugh when I think about that camping trip during which you lost us for hours. Your sense of direction was truly a sight to behold.
  3. Remember when we thought entering that talent show would be a good idea? I’m still trying to erase the memory of our ‘performance.’
  4. Our shared memory of that epic game night where you lost every round is a classic. You’re a true champion of losing.
  5. I’ll never forget the time you accidentally sent a text to the wrong person. It’s still a legendary blunder in our group’s history.
  6. That time you tried to ‘fix’ the broken TV by hitting it with a hammer is still one of our most memorable group moments—a genius at work.
  7. Our adventure in that escape room, in which you caused us to fail spectacularly, is still the stuff of legends.
  8. The day we attempted that DIY project together and ended up with a giant mess is a memory I cherish—mostly for the laughs.
  9. That unforgettable night, when you were convinced you could sing karaoke and ended up causing everyone to leave early will never be forgotten.
  10. I still remember the time you tried to convince us that your pet rock had magical powers. It was the most entertaining delusion we’ve ever witnessed.

Family and Friends

  1. Your family’s idea of a fun time is probably watching the paint dry. It’s impressive how they’ve made boredom an art form.
  2. The way you talk about your friends makes me think they’re all part of a secret club that celebrates mediocrity.
  3. It’s fascinating how your family gatherings always end up as a masterclass in awkward small talk. It’s like they’re competing for the ‘most uncomfortable dinner.’
  4. You must have a special talent for picking friends who could be more decisive and organized. It’s like a support group for chaos.
  5. Whenever you talk about your family, it sounds like a reality show without the drama. Maybe they’re just experts at being forgettable.
  6. It’s impressive how your friends simultaneously manage to be clueless and enthusiastic. They must be the perfect match for you.
  7. Your family reunions must be a blast if by ‘blast’ you mean a parade of awkward moments and uncomfortable silences.
  8. You’ve set a new standard for friend groups where ‘doing absolutely nothing’ is considered a major social achievement.
  9. Your family’s handling of holidays is a true lesson in how to turn festive occasions into monotonous exercises.
  10. Your friends must be experts in dealing with drama because they’ve certainly had plenty of practice with you around.

Fashion Choices

  1. Your fashion sense is so unique that it’s like a time capsule from a decade that should have stayed buried.
  2. I didn’t realize ‘clashing colors’ was a trend until I saw your outfit. You’re making a statement—just not a good one.
  3. Your wardrobe choices are like a fashion show for the ‘what not to wear’ list. It’s truly a spectacle of poor taste.
  4. You’ve set a new record for how many fashion faux pas one can make in a single outfit. Congratulations on your achievement.
  5. I see you’re still rocking that vintage look. By ‘vintage,’ I mean ‘outdated and desperately needing a makeover.’
  6. Every time you walk into a room, it’s like a fashion disaster waiting to happen. It’s almost impressive how consistent you are.
  7. Your sense of style is like a bad joke without a punchline. It’s awkward and makes everyone uncomfortable.
  8. The way you mix and match patterns is truly a marvel. It’s like watching someone try to start a new fashion trend—just not a good one.
  9. Your outfits have the remarkable ability to make even the most stylish trends look outdated. It’s a rare talent.
  10. You’re committed to your ‘I-don’t-care’ look. Mission accomplished—none of us care, either.

Travel Experiences

  1. Your travel stories are so exciting—if by ‘exciting’ you mean endlessly boring and full of missed connections.
  2. I love hearing about your travel adventures. They’re like a series of unfortunate events, with you as the star of each disaster.
  3. Your idea of an exotic vacation is visiting the next town over. It’s almost like you’re a pioneer of domestic travel.
  4. You must have a special talent for finding the least interesting destinations. Your travel itinerary is a masterclass in mediocrity.
  5. It’s impressive how every travel experience you recount sounds like an extended stay in a tourist trap, so much for adventure.
  6. Your travel highlights are always about when you got lost or misjudged a local custom. It’s a unique way to experience the world.
  7. How you talk about your trips makes me wonder if you’re secretly trying to set a world record for ‘most forgettable vacations.’
  8. You’ve managed to turn every travel mishap into a story. It’s like you’re trying to make ‘disaster tourism’ a thing.
  9. Your vacation photos are like a visual diary of ‘what not to do while traveling.’ They’re both entertaining and educational.
  10. It’s almost impressive how you can turn a simple road trip into a saga of bad luck and poor planning. You should write a book.

Food Preferences

  1. Your taste in food is like a journey through the land of blandness. I didn’t know ‘plain’ was an actual food group until I met you.
  2. I see you’re still into that weird combination of foods. You’re on a mission to make everyone question their taste buds.
  3. Your idea of a gourmet meal is microwaving a frozen dinner. I’m impressed by how low you’ve set the bar for fine dining.
  4. You’ve managed to turn picky eating into an art form. Your food preferences are like a personal challenge to chefs everywhere.
  5. It’s fascinating how your diet consists of only the most basic, uninspired foods. Your palate must be a real thrill ride.
  6. The way you talk about your favorite foods makes me think you’re a connoisseur of the most mundane and unremarkable dishes.
  7. Your food choices are so predictable that I could guess your order before you even say it. It’s like eating with a human menu.
  8. Your culinary adventures sound like a quest to find the least flavorful dishes. It’s almost impressive how you avoid excitement.
  9. Every time you talk about a new recipe, you’re trying to reinvent the wheel—only to end up with a basic version.
  10. Your rave reviews about your plain pasta and unseasoned chicken are truly impressive. It’s like you’re trying to make minimalism a food trend.

Crafting the Perfect Roast

  • Knowing Your Audience

The most effective roasts are those that resonate with the audience. In this case, if you’re roasting your ex-best friend, make sure you know their sense of humor. What might be hilarious to one person could be deeply offensive to another.

  • Timing and Delivery

Timing is everything. A well-placed roast can hit the mark perfectly, but delivering it at the wrong moment can fall flat. Practice your delivery to ensure it’s sharp, snappy, and well-timed.

Roasting in Different Contexts

  • Social Media

Crafting roasts for social media requires more finesse. You want to keep it humorous and shareable but avoid anything that might escalate into a public drama. Aim for wit rather than venom.

  • In Person

Roasting in person is a different ballgame. Your body language and tone play a significant role. Keep it light and ensure your ex-best friend knows you’re joking. Face-to-face interactions allow you to gauge reactions and adjust your delivery accordingly.

The Art of Delivery

  • Tone and Timing

A well-timed roast delivered with the right tone can turn a simple joke into a memorable moment. Practice your timing to ensure your roast lands with maximum impact.

  • Body Language

Your body language can enhance or undermine your roast. Use gestures and facial expressions to add to the humor, and make sure your body language conveys that you’re joking.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

  • Going Too Far

Letting a roast go too far is easy, especially when emotions are involved. Keep it within the realm of good-natured teasing rather than personal attacks. Avoid sensitive topics that could hurt feelings.

  • Misinterpretation

Sometimes, what you intend as a joke might be interpreted differently. Ensure your roast is clearly understood as humor, not a personal attack. A good-natured jab should come off as playful, not mean-spirited.

Alternatives to Roasting

  • Constructive Criticism

Constructive criticism can be a viable alternative if you aim for a more serious note. It allows you to address issues without resorting to humor that might be misinterpreted.

  • Humor without Hurt

You can also opt for humor that doesn’t sting. A gentle joke or a funny anecdote can provide a good laugh without the risk of hurting someone’s feelings.


In conclusion, whether you’re seeking a sharp comeback or just a good laugh, our collection of 150+ savage roasts for your ex-best friend has you covered. With these witty and biting lines, you’ll find the perfect way to deliver a memorable burn and move on in style. And if you’re also looking for creative ways to address those incessant chatterboxes in your life, check out our guide on:
How to Say “You Talk Too Much” to Someone: 150+ Ways

Check it Out Here.


Q. How do I know if a roast is appropriate?

Gauge your ex-best friend’s sense of humor. If they’re known to appreciate jokes and playful teasing, you’re on safer ground. Avoid sensitive topics and focus on harmless fun.

Q. What if my ex-best friend reacts badly?

Be prepared for any reaction. If your roast is taken poorly, be ready to apologize and explain that it was meant in jest. Clear communication can help smooth things over.

Q. Can roasting be a form of therapy?

For some, roasting can be a way to process feelings and find closure. Just ensure that it’s done healthily and respectfully.

Q. Are there any roasts I should avoid?

Avoid roasts that touch on personal insecurities or sensitive issues. The goal is to be funny, not hurtful.

Q. How can I ensure my roast is taken in good humor?

Use a friendly tone, ensure the context is appropriate, and be prepared to clarify your intentions. A roast should always come from a place of humor, not hostility.

3 thoughts on “Savage Roasts for Your Ex-Best Friend : 150+ Roasts”

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