Sibling rivalry can be one of the most entertaining relationships, filled with playful banter and plenty of good-natured teasing. If you’re looking to step up your roast game with your little brother, you’re in the right place. This article provides a wide range of roasts, from funny to savage, to share laughs without crossing the line. And for global flair, we’ve even included roasts in 20 different languages with translations!
Funny Roasts for Your Little Brother
- “You’re proof that mom and dad were bored one year.”
- “You’re like a software update – nobody asked for you, but here you are.”
- “I thought the dog was the loudest in the house, but then you showed up.”
- “You bring everyone joy… when you leave the room.”
- “You remind me of a cloud—sometimes you float, but mostly, you’re full of hot air.”
Savage Roasts
- “If brains were taxed, you’d get a refund.”
- “You bring everyone together… to talk about how annoying you are.”
- “Your secrets are safe with me; I never even listened when you told me.”
- “You’re like a software bug – annoying, but somehow hard to get rid of.”
- “You’re like a light bulb – bright but burned out.”
Creative Roasts
- “You must be made of helium, because you never fail to blow things out of proportion.”
- “If you were a vegetable, you’d be a ‘couch-potato.'”
- “You’re like Wi-Fi – people only notice when you’re not working.”
- “You’re the human version of a participation trophy.”
- “You’re like a math problem – hard to figure out and best avoided.”
Roasts in Different Languages
- “Eres como un lunes, nadie te quiere.”
(You’re like a Monday; nobody likes you.) - “Eres como un Wi-Fi débil, nadie puede confiar en ti.”
(You’re like weak Wi-Fi; nobody can rely on you.) - “Tu cerebro es como un charco seco, sin profundidad.”
(Your brain is like a dry puddle, no depth.) - “Eres como un chicle sin sabor, pegajoso e inútil.”
(You’re like flavorless gum, sticky and useless.) - “Eres como una nube oscura, siempre arruinando el día.”
(You’re like a dark cloud, always ruining the day.) - “Hablas tanto que incluso los relojes se cansan de ti.”
(You talk so much even clocks get tired of you.) - “Eres como un día sin sol, deprimente.”
(You’re like a day without sun, depressing.) - “Tu sentido del humor es como una roca, inexistente.”
(Your sense of humor is like a rock, nonexistent.) - “Eres como una silla rota, nadie quiere sentarse contigo.”
(You’re like a broken chair; nobody wants to sit with you.) - “Eres como un semáforo roto, confundiendo a todos.”
(You’re like a broken traffic light, confusing everyone.)
- “Tu es comme un nuage, inutile et toujours là.”
(You’re like a cloud, useless and always there.) - “Ton esprit est comme un vieux journal, obsolète.”
(Your mind is like an old newspaper, outdated.) - “Tu es comme une baguette brûlée, sans utilité.”
(You’re like a burnt baguette, useless.) - “Même une montre arrêtée a plus de valeur que toi.”
(Even a stopped watch has more value than you.) - “Tu es comme un parapluie troué, décevant.”
(You’re like a torn umbrella, disappointing.) - “Ton humour est aussi fade qu’un plat sans sel.”
(Your humor is as bland as a dish without salt.) - “Tu es comme une porte qui grince, toujours agaçant.”
(You’re like a squeaky door, always annoying.) - “Être autour de toi, c’est comme être sous la pluie.”
(Being around you is like being in the rain.) - “Tu es comme un chemin sans fin, fatiguant et inutile.”
(You’re like a never-ending path, tiring and useless.) - “Ton existence est aussi insignifiante qu’une fourmi.”
(Your existence is as insignificant as an ant.)
- “Du bist wie ein leeres Glas, nutzlos und durchschaubar.”
(You’re like an empty glass, useless and see-through.) - “Du bist wie ein verlorener Schlüssel, völlig nutzlos.”
(You’re like a lost key, completely useless.) - “Dein Humor ist so trocken wie ein alter Keks.”
(Your humor is as dry as an old cookie.) - “Du bist wie ein Schatten in der Nacht, völlig unbedeutend.”
(You’re like a shadow in the night, completely insignificant.) - “Du bist wie ein Puzzle mit fehlenden Teilen.”
(You’re like a puzzle with missing pieces.) - “Du bist wie ein Eimer ohne Boden, unfähig zu helfen.”
(You’re like a bucket with no bottom, incapable of helping.) - “Du bist wie ein alter Fernseher, niemand schaut dich an.”
(You’re like an old TV; nobody looks at you.) - “Deine Ideen sind wie Rauch, sie verschwinden sofort.”
(Your ideas are like smoke; they disappear instantly.) - “Du bist wie ein langweiliger Film, niemand bleibt bis zum Ende.”
(You’re like a boring movie; nobody stays till the end.) - “Du bist wie ein Wolkenkratzer im Nebel, unsichtbar.”
(You’re like a skyscraper in fog, invisible.)
- “Sei come il Wi-Fi lento, tutti ti odiano.”
(You’re like slow Wi-Fi; everyone hates you.) - “Il tuo cervello è come una lampadina fulminata, inutile.”
(Your brain is like a burnt-out bulb, useless.) - “Sei come una pizza senza formaggio, privo di significato.”
(You’re like a pizza without cheese, meaningless.) - “Parli così tanto che anche l’eco si annoia.”
(You talk so much that even the echo gets bored.) - “Sei come una scala rotta, impossibile da usare.”
(You’re like a broken staircase, impossible to use.) - “Essere vicino a te è come essere in un parcheggio vuoto, desolante.”
(Being near you is like being in an empty parking lot, desolate.) - “Sei come una nuvola grigia in una giornata di sole, indesiderato.”
(You’re like a grey cloud on a sunny day, unwanted.) - “La tua presenza è come un condimento scaduto, indesiderata.”
(Your presence is like expired seasoning, unwanted.) - “Sei come un orologio senza lancette, senza scopo.”
(You’re like a clock without hands, purposeless.) - “Anche un sassolino ha più importanza di te.”
(Even a pebble has more importance than you.)
- “Você é como um mosquito, irritante e difícil de matar.”
(You’re like a mosquito, annoying and hard to kill.) - “Você é como uma nuvem de chuva, sempre estragando tudo.”
(You’re like a rain cloud, always ruining everything.) - “Seu cérebro é como areia movediça, nada firme.”
(Your brain is like quicksand, nothing firm.) - “Você é como um espelho quebrado, impossível de usar.”
(You’re like a broken mirror, impossible to use.) - “Você é como Wi-Fi público, sempre cheio de problemas.”
(You’re like public Wi-Fi, always full of problems.) - “Você fala tanto que até o relógio se cansa de você.”
(You talk so much that even the clock gets tired of you.) - “Sua personalidade é como pão sem manteiga, sem graça.”
(Your personality is like bread without butter, boring.) - “Você é como um guarda-chuva em um furacão, inútil.”
(You’re like an umbrella in a hurricane, useless.) - “Você é como uma lâmpada queimada, sempre no escuro.”
(You’re like a burnt-out lamp, always in the dark.) - “Você é como um sapato apertado, só causa dor.”
(You’re like a tight shoe, only causes pain.)
- “君は壊れた時計みたい、使えないけど存在してる。”
(You’re like a broken clock, useless but still there.) - “君は空っぽの箱みたい、期待させるけど中身はない。”
(You’re like an empty box, promising but hollow.) - “君の話は雨の日の長い通勤みたい、退屈。”
(Your talk is like a long commute on a rainy day, boring.) - “君は曇りの日の太陽みたい、全然輝かない。”
(You’re like the sun on a cloudy day, not shining at all.) - “君の存在は砂漠の水たまりみたい、無意味。”
(Your existence is like a puddle in the desert, meaningless.) - “君は迷子のGPSみたい、役に立たない。”
(You’re like a lost GPS, useless.) - “君は電池のないリモコンみたい、何の役にも立たない。”
(You’re like a remote without batteries, no use at all.) - “君は破れた傘みたい、ただ邪魔。”
(You’re like a torn umbrella, just in the way.) - “君は止まったエスカレーターみたい、期待外れ。”
(You’re like a stopped escalator, disappointing.) - “君は味のないスープみたい、全然魅力がない。”
(You’re like flavorless soup, completely unappealing.)
Chinese (Simplified)
- “你像一个空的礼物盒,外表好看但没用。”
(You’re like an empty gift box, pretty on the outside but useless.) - “你就像一个失灵的指南针,完全没有方向感。”
(You’re like a broken compass, completely directionless.) - “你的话像是没写完的句子,毫无意义。”
(Your words are like unfinished sentences, meaningless.) - “你像一台过时的手机,没人需要你。”
(You’re like an outdated phone, no one needs you.) - “你是坏掉的雨伞,除了碍事什么也不做。”
(You’re a broken umbrella, doing nothing but getting in the way.) - “你就像沙漠中的水桶,毫无价值。”
(You’re like a bucket in the desert, completely useless.) - “你像一本没有字的书,存在但没有意义。”
(You’re like a book with no words, present but meaningless.) - “你像没有网的Wi-Fi,什么都做不了。”
(You’re like Wi-Fi without internet, incapable of anything.) - “你就像一辆没油的车,只能留在原地。”
(You’re like a car with no fuel, stuck in one place.) - “你是坏掉的灯泡,永远也亮不了。”
(You’re a broken light bulb, will never shine.)
- “Ты как крошечный сквозняк – незаметный, но раздражающий.”
(You’re like a tiny draft, unnoticeable but annoying.) - “Ты как сгоревшая лампочка – бесполезен.”
(You’re like a burnt-out bulb, useless.) - “Твой голос звучит как неисправное радио – раздражающий шум.”
(Your voice sounds like a broken radio, annoying noise.) - “Ты как компьютер без интернета – бесполезный и скучный.”
(You’re like a computer without the internet, useless and boring.) - “Ты как песочные часы без песка – ничего не показываешь.”
(You’re like an hourglass without sand, showing nothing.) - “Ты как закрытая книга – бесполезный и непонятный.”
(You’re like a closed book, useless and unclear.) - “Ты как дверь без ручки – всегда мешаешь.”
(You’re like a door without a handle, always in the way.) - “Ты как лодка без вёсел – никуда не плывёшь.”
(You’re like a boat without oars, going nowhere.) - “Ты как будильник, который никогда не звенит – никому не нужен.”
(You’re like an alarm clock that never rings, needed by no one.) - “Ты как пустая коробка – есть, но бесполезен.”
(You’re like an empty box, there but useless.)
- “أنت مثل كتاب فارغ، موجود لكنه بلا معنى.”
(You’re like an empty book, present but meaningless.) - “أنت كالنار بدون شعلة، موجود ولكن بلا قيمة.”
(You’re like a fire without a flame, present but worthless.) - “أنت مثل ساعة متوقفة، لا تخدم أي غرض.”
(You’re like a stopped clock, serving no purpose.) - “وجودك مثل كرسي مكسور، بلا فائدة.”
(Your presence is like a broken chair, of no use.) - “أنت كالقمر بلا ضوء، غير مهم.”
(You’re like the moon without light, unimportant.) - “أنت مثل قلم بلا حبر، مجرد شكل.”
(You’re like a pen without ink, just for show.) - “أنت مثل لوحة لا تحمل رسماً، فارغ.”
(You’re like a canvas with no painting, empty.) - “وجودك مثل جبل من الرمال، ينهار بسهولة.”
(Your presence is like a mountain of sand, collapses easily.) - “أنت مثل طريق بلا نهاية، مزعج فقط.”
(You’re like a road with no end, just annoying.) - “أنت كظل في ليلة مظلمة، لا قيمة له.”
(You’re like a shadow in a dark night, of no value.)
- “तुम उस पेन जैसे हो, जो खत्म हो चुका है, लेकिन अभी भी रखा है।”
(You’re like a pen that’s out of ink but still lying around.) - “तुम एक कागज के टुकड़े जैसे हो, जिसे कोई पढ़ता नहीं।”
(You’re like a piece of paper no one reads.) - “तुम एक खाली बोतल जैसे हो, बस जगह घेरते हो।”
(You’re like an empty bottle, just taking up space.) - “तुम एक बंद दरवाजे जैसे हो, हमेशा रुकावट बनते हो।”
(You’re like a closed door, always blocking the way.) - “तुम बिना बैटरी वाली घड़ी जैसे हो, बेकार।”
(You’re like a clock without batteries, useless.) - “तुम बिना दिमाग वाले इंसान जैसे हो, सिर्फ दिखावा करते हो।”
(You’re like a person without a brain, just pretending.) - “तुम बिन सीढ़ी की दीवार जैसे हो, बेकार।”
(You’re like a wall without a ladder, useless.) - “तुम बिना पंखों वाले पंछी जैसे हो, उड़ान असंभव।”
(You’re like a bird without wings, flightless.) - “तुम एक खाली थैली जैसे हो, जिसका कोई काम नहीं।”
(You’re like an empty bag, of no use.) - “तुम जैसे छतरी में छेद हो, बेकार।”
(You’re like a holey umbrella, useless.)
- “너는 고장 난 시계 같아, 아무 쓸모 없으면서 거기에 있어.”
(You’re like a broken clock, useless but still there.) - “너는 인터넷 없는 와이파이 같아, 있어도 쓸모가 없어.”
(You’re like Wi-Fi without internet, useless even when present.) - “너는 전구가 나간 램프 같아, 아무도 신경 쓰지 않아.”
(You’re like a lamp with a blown bulb, no one cares about you.) - “너는 방 안의 거미줄 같아, 누구도 원하지 않아.”
(You’re like cobwebs in a room, unwanted by everyone.) - “너는 배터리가 없는 리모컨 같아, 그냥 쓸모없어.”
(You’re like a remote without batteries, just useless.) - “너는 노래 없는 마이크 같아, 아무 소리도 못 내.”
(You’re like a microphone with no song, unable to make a sound.) - “너는 멈춘 바람개비 같아, 아무 효과도 없어.”
(You’re like a stopped pinwheel, having no effect.) - “너는 망가진 자전거 같아, 탈 수 없으니까 그냥 두는 거야.”
(You’re like a broken bicycle, left alone because it can’t be ridden.) - “너는 빈 우산 같아, 비 올 때 전혀 도움 안 돼.”
(You’re like an empty umbrella, no help during the rain.) - “너는 멈춘 시계처럼, 시간이 멈춘 것 같아.”
(You’re like a stopped clock, as if time has frozen.)
- “Είσαι σαν ένα άδειο μπουκάλι, διαφανές αλλά άχρηστο.”
(You’re like an empty bottle, transparent but useless.) - “Είσαι σαν έναν καθρέφτη που έχει σπάσει, άχρηστος και επικίνδυνος.”
(You’re like a broken mirror, useless and dangerous.) - “Είσαι σαν μια πόρτα χωρίς κλειδαριά, πάντα ανοιχτή για προβλήματα.”
(You’re like a door without a lock, always open to trouble.) - “Είσαι σαν μια βάρκα χωρίς κουπιά, δεν πηγαίνεις πουθενά.”
(You’re like a boat without oars, going nowhere.) - “Είσαι σαν ένα χαλασμένο ρολόι, άχρηστο αλλά ακόμα εκεί.”
(You’re like a broken clock, useless but still there.) - “Είσαι σαν ένα δέντρο χωρίς φύλλα, απλώς άδειο.”
(You’re like a tree without leaves, just empty.) - “Είσαι σαν μια καρέκλα χωρίς πόδια, δεν μπορείς να στηρίξεις τίποτα.”
(You’re like a chair without legs, unable to support anything.) - “Είσαι σαν μια μπάλα χωρίς αέρα, δεν λειτουργείς σωστά.”
(You’re like a ball without air, not functioning properly.) - “Είσαι σαν ένα βιβλίο χωρίς σελίδες, άχρηστο για ανάγνωση.”
(You’re like a book without pages, useless for reading.) - “Είσαι σαν μια λάμπα χωρίς φως, δεν φωτίζεις τίποτα.”
(You’re like a lamp without light, illuminating nothing.)
- “Je bent zoals een lege doos, nergens goed voor en gewoon daar.”
(You’re like an empty box, good for nothing and just there.) - “Je bent zoals een kapotte fiets, nutteloos en niet te gebruiken.”
(You’re like a broken bike, useless and unusable.) - “Je bent zoals een paraplu zonder doek, onbruikbaar in de regen.”
(You’re like an umbrella without fabric, useless in the rain.) - “Je bent zoals een klok zonder wijzers, niemand kan je gebruiken.”
(You’re like a clock without hands, no one can use you.) - “Je bent zoals een lege batterij, aanwezig maar waardeloos.”
(You’re like an empty battery, present but worthless.) - “Je bent zoals een stoel zonder zitting, oncomfortabel en zinloos.”
(You’re like a chair without a seat, uncomfortable and pointless.) - “Je bent zoals een schip zonder zeil, stilstaand en nutteloos.”
(You’re like a ship without a sail, stationary and useless.) - “Je bent zoals een boek zonder woorden, totaal zinloos.”
(You’re like a book without words, completely pointless.) - “Je bent zoals een lamp zonder stroom, een nutteloze decoratie.”
(You’re like a lamp without electricity, a useless decoration.) - “Je bent zoals een deur zonder scharnieren, nergens voor geschikt.”
(You’re like a door without hinges, fit for nothing.)
- “Du är som en trasig lampa, ingen bryr sig förrän du är borta.”
(You’re like a broken lamp; no one cares until you’re gone.) - “Du är som ett paraply utan tyg, helt värdelös.”
(You’re like an umbrella without fabric, completely useless.) - “Du är som en tom låda, finns där men har inget värde.”
(You’re like an empty box, present but worthless.) - “Du är som en stol utan ben, obrukbar och meningslös.”
(You’re like a chair without legs, unusable and pointless.) - “Du är som ett dött batteri, en stor besvikelse.”
(You’re like a dead battery, a major disappointment.) - “Du är som en cykel utan kedja, går ingenstans.”
(You’re like a bike without a chain, going nowhere.) - “Du är som en bok utan sidor, ser fin ut men är värdelös.”
(You’re like a book without pages, looks good but useless.) - “Du är som en bil utan motor, bara en pappersvikt.”
(You’re like a car without an engine, just a paperweight.) - “Du är som en dörr utan handtag, ingen kan använda dig.”
(You’re like a door without a handle, no one can use you.) - “Du är som en trasig spegel, farlig och onödig.”
(You’re like a broken mirror, dangerous and unnecessary.)
- “Sen kırık bir aynaya benziyorsun, kimse seni kullanmak istemez.”
(You’re like a broken mirror; no one wants to use you.) - “Sen boş bir bavul gibisin, taşıması gereksiz.”
(You’re like an empty suitcase, unnecessary to carry.) - “Sen pili bitmiş bir oyuncak gibisin, kimse oynamak istemez.”
(You’re like a toy with dead batteries; no one wants to play with you.) - “Sen kanatsız bir kuşa benziyorsun, uçman imkânsız.”
(You’re like a bird without wings; flying is impossible.) - “Sen suyu olmayan bir çeşme gibisin, faydasızsın.”
(You’re like a faucet without water; you’re useless.) - “Sen anahtarsız bir kilit gibisin, hiç kimse seni açamaz.”
(You’re like a lock without a key; no one can open you.) - “Sen denizsiz bir gemi gibisin, amacını kaybetmiş.”
(You’re like a ship without the sea; you’ve lost your purpose.) - “Sen zamanı gösteremeyen bir saat gibisin, işlevsizsin.”
(You’re like a clock that can’t show time; you’re dysfunctional.) - “Sen ateşi olmayan bir ocak gibisin, boşuna yer kaplıyorsun.”
(You’re like a stove without fire; you’re taking up space.) - “Sen yolları olmayan bir araba gibisin, hiçbir yere gidemezsin.”
(You’re like a car without roads; you can’t go anywhere.)
- “Jesteś jak pusty plecak – nie ma sensu cię nosić.”
(You’re like an empty backpack – no point in carrying you.) - “Jesteś jak zepsuty zegarek, zawsze się spóźniasz.”
(You’re like a broken watch, always late.) - “Jesteś jak drzewo bez liści, nudny i pusty.”
(You’re like a tree without leaves, boring and empty.) - “Jesteś jak krzesło bez nóg – do niczego.”
(You’re like a chair without legs – good for nothing.) - “Jesteś jak książka bez treści – nudna i bez znaczenia.”
(You’re like a book without content – boring and meaningless.) - “Jesteś jak droga donikąd, nikt cię nie chce.”
(You’re like a road to nowhere, nobody wants you.) - “Jesteś jak pióro bez atramentu, zupełnie nieprzydatny.”
(You’re like a pen without ink, completely useless.) - “Jesteś jak lampa bez żarówki, nie rozjaśniasz niczego.”
(You’re like a lamp without a bulb, you brighten nothing.) - “Jesteś jak parasol w słoneczny dzień – bez sensu.”
(You’re like an umbrella on a sunny day – pointless.) - “Jesteś jak most bez rzeki, bez celu.”
(You’re like a bridge without a river, without purpose.)
- “நீ ஒரு காலி பெட்டிய போல இருக்கிறாய், அழகாக இருக்கிறாய், ஆனால் பயனில்லை.”
(You’re like an empty box, pretty but useless.) - “நீ ஒரு காற்றில்லா பட்டம் போல இருக்கிறாய், ஏற்ற முடியாது.”
(You’re like a kite without wind, can’t fly.) - “நீ விளக்கில்லா விளக்கு போல, வெளிச்சம் தர முடியாது.”
(You’re like a lamp without light, can’t illuminate.) - “நீ மண்ணில்லா செடி போல, வளர முடியாது.”
(You’re like a plant without soil, can’t grow.) - “நீ பரிசில்லா பொதி போல, கொடுக்க பயனில்லை.”
(You’re like a giftless package, useless to give.) - “நீ கண்ணாடி இல்லாத சாளரமாக இருக்கிறாய், பார்வையில்லாமல்.”
(You’re like a window without glass, without a view.) - “நீ தூரிகை இல்லாத ஓவியம் போல இருக்கிறாய், பெயரற்றது.”
(You’re like a painting without a brush, nameless.) - “நீ ஏற்ற முடியாத பொறி போல இருக்கிறாய்.”
(You’re like a fire that can’t ignite.) - “நீ தண்ணீர் இல்லாத குடம் போல இருக்கிறாய், சாகடிக்க முடியாது.”
(You’re like a pot without water, can’t quench.) - “நீ ஒலியில்லா இசை பெட்டி போல இருக்கிறாய்.”
(You’re like a music box without sound.)
- “তুমি ভাঙা ছাতার মতো, দরকারের সময় কোন কাজ হয় না।”
(You’re like a broken umbrella, useless when needed.) - “তুমি এমন এক ঘড়ি, যা সময় বলে না।”
(You’re like a clock that doesn’t tell time.) - “তুমি এমন একটি নৌকা, যার দাঁড় নেই।”
(You’re like a boat without oars.) - “তুমি খালি কলসির মতো, আওয়াজ ছাড়া কিছুই নেই।”
(You’re like an empty pot, making noise but nothing inside.) - “তুমি এমন একটি কলম, যার কালি ফুরিয়ে গেছে।”
(You’re like a pen that’s out of ink.) - “তুমি সেই বাতি, যা জ্বলতেই পারে না।”
(You’re like a lamp that can never light up.) - “তুমি এমন একটি দরজা, যা খুলে যায় না।”
(You’re like a door that won’t open.) - “তুমি এমন একটি ব্যাগ, যা কিছুই ধরে না।”
(You’re like a bag that holds nothing.) - “তুমি এমন একটি ব্রিজ, যার নিচে কোন নদী নেই।”
(You’re like a bridge with no river underneath.) - “তুমি এমন একটি ছাতা, যা শুধুই বোঝা হয়ে দাঁড়ায়।”
(You’re like an umbrella that’s only a burden.)
- “คุณเหมือนนาฬิกาที่เสีย ใช้ไม่ได้ แต่ยังวางไว้อยู่.”
(You’re like a broken clock, useless but still there.) - “คุณเหมือนดินสอที่ไม่มีไส้ เขียนไม่ได้.”
(You’re like a pencil with no lead, can’t write.) - “คุณเหมือนเรือที่ไม่มีไม้พาย ลอยไปเรื่อย ๆ.”
(You’re like a boat with no paddle, drifting aimlessly.) - “คุณเหมือนถังน้ำที่รั่ว เติมยังไงก็ไม่เต็ม.”
(You’re like a leaking bucket, never full no matter how much you fill.) - “คุณเหมือนดอกไม้ปลอม สวยแต่ไร้กลิ่น.”
(You’re like a fake flower, pretty but scentless.) - “คุณเหมือนรองเท้าขาดที่ไม่มีใครอยากใส่.”
(You’re like torn shoes no one wants to wear.) - “คุณเหมือนเตาไฟฟ้าที่ไม่ร้อน ใช้ทำอะไรก็ไม่ได้.”
(You’re like an electric stove that doesn’t heat up.) - “คุณเหมือนประตูที่ไม่มีลูกบิด เปิดไม่ได้.”
(You’re like a door without a knob, can’t open.) - “คุณเหมือนกระจกที่แตก สะท้อนอะไรไม่ได้.”
(You’re like a broken mirror, can’t reflect anything.) - “คุณเหมือนภาพวาดที่ลบไม่ได้ ทั้งไร้ค่าและเกะกะ.”
(You’re like a drawing that can’t be erased, worthless and in the way.)
- “Kamu seperti botol kosong, cantik di luar tetapi tiada gunanya.”
(You’re like an empty bottle, pretty on the outside but useless.) - “Kamu seperti jam yang rosak, tidak berguna lagi.”
(You’re like a broken clock, no longer useful.) - “Kamu seperti kerusi tanpa kaki, tak boleh digunakan.”
(You’re like a chair without legs, unusable.) - “Kamu seperti bunga tiruan, nampak cantik tetapi tidak bernilai.”
(You’re like an artificial flower, looks pretty but has no value.) - “Kamu seperti buku tanpa isi, sekadar hiasan di rak.”
(You’re like a book without content, just decoration on the shelf.) - “Kamu seperti payung bocor, tak dapat melindungi sesiapa pun.”
(You’re like a leaking umbrella, can’t protect anyone.) - “Kamu seperti basikal tanpa rantai, tak boleh dikayuh.”
(You’re like a bike without a chain, can’t be ridden.) - “Kamu seperti telefon tanpa bateri, sekadar barang hiasan.”
(You’re like a phone without a battery, just an ornament.) - “Kamu seperti jambatan tanpa sungai, tiada tujuan.”
(You’re like a bridge without a river, pointless.) - “Kamu seperti lampu tanpa mentol, gelap dan tidak berguna.”
(You’re like a lamp without a bulb, dark and useless.)
Roasting your little brother is all about sharing laughs and building memories. From funny and creative to savage and multilingual, this list ensures you’re never out of comebacks. Just remember, it’s all in good fun—don’t cross the line!
Q. How do I roast my little brother without crossing the line?
Keep it light and fun! Avoid sensitive topics and focus on playful humor.
Q. What are the best roasts for siblings?
The best roasts are those that make everyone laugh, including the person being roasted. Stay witty and clever!
Q. Can I use these roasts with friends?
Absolutely! Many of these roasts can work in any playful banter with close friends.